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Goodes, with security staff around him, had stood only metres away and pointed to her following a verbal clash with the fan. I turned around and I saw it was a young girl I was just like.really?

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The win, the first of its kind in 13 years, to play such a pivotal role.

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Goodes was the star for Sydney with three goals in his side's famous 47-point salute over Collingwood at the MCG that opened Indigenous Round.īut the 328-gamer fell victim to a racial vilification incident after being verbally abused by a Magpies fan, who was then escorted from the venue.

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A 13-year-old girl has apologised for calling Swans forward Adam Goodes an 'ape', an incident that the AFL star said rendered his side's breakthrough win over the Magpies meaningless.

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