Attack on titan gay sex fanfic jean and eren

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Also, I love how the author portrayed and included Bertolt in this fic… cannot describe, go check it out!

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However, the slow burn takes you through their relationship from enemies to friends and I’m sure it will go from friends to lovers :3 FootballCaptian!Levi and PoliceOfficer!Jean are also some highlights. Warning: this fic includes suicidal thoughts, mentions of abuse, mentions of underage sex, past character death, unhealthy coping mechanisms and depressive themes. Alrighty, so things work out sometimes, and I happen to be currently reading a high school AU that features depressed!Eren and other similar themes!! The author describes the emotions and thought-processes of both Eren and Levi perfectly (the perspectives switch from chapter to chapter) and I find myself sympathizing, agreeing with, and connecting with both characters time and time again.

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